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What are the Forex Market Players?

There are various participating entities taking part in forex trading. The main players or the main market participants in currency exchange are Central Banks, largest investment firms or commercial bank, hedge funds, mutual funds and retail forex brokers etc.


Participants in Foreign Exchange Market:

Participants in Foreign exchange market can be categorized into five major groups, viz.; commercial banks, Foreign exchange brokers, Central bank, MNCs and Individuals and Small businesses.

  • Central Banks:
    • Central banks are extremely important players in the forex market. Open market operations and interest rate policies of central banks influence currency rates to a very large extent.
    • Central banks are responsible for forex fixing. This is the exchange rate regime by which a currency will trade in the open market.
    • Floating, fixed and pegged are the types of exchange rate regimes. Any action taken by a central bank in the forex market is done to stabilize or increase the competitiveness of that nation’s economy.
  • Small Business or Investors:
    • Small businesses also use foreign exchange market to facilitate execution of commercial or investment transactions.
    • The foreign needs of these players are usually small and account for only a fraction of all foreign exchange transactions. Even then they are very important participants in the market. Some of these participants use the market to hedge foreign exchange risk.
    • Hedgers: There are many businesses which end up creating an asset or a liability priced in foreign currency in the regular course of their business. For instance, importers and exporters engaged in foreign trade may have open positions in several foreign currencies. They may therefore be impacted if there is a fluctuation in the value of foreign currency. As a result, to protect themselves against these losses, hedgers take opposite positions in the market. Therefore if there is an unfavorable movement in their original position, it is offset by an opposite movement in their hedged positions. Their profits and losses and therefore nullified and they get stability in the operations of their business.
  • Commercial Banks: 
    • The major participants in the foreign exchange market are the large Commercial banks who provide the core of market. As many as 100 to 200 banks across the globe actively “make the market” in the foreign exchange.
    • These banks serve their retail clients, the bank customers, in conducting foreign commerce or making international investment in financial assets that require foreign exchange.
    • These banks operate in the foreign exchange market at two levels. At the retail level, they deal with their customers-corporations, exporters and so forth.
    • At the wholesale level, banks maintain an inert bank market in foreign exchange either directly or through specialized foreign exchange brokers.
  • Foreign Exchange Brokers:
    • Foreign exchange brokers also operate in the international currency market. They act as agents who facilitate trading between dealers.
    • Unlike the banks, brokers serve merely as matchmakers and do not put their own money at risk.
    • They actively and constantly monitor exchange rates offered by the major international banks through computerized systems such as Reuters and are able to find quickly an opposite party for a client without revealing the identity of either party until a transaction has been agreed upon. This is why inter-bank traders use a broker primarily to disseminate as quickly as possible a currency quote to many other dealers.
  • MNC:
    • MNCs are the major non-bank participants in the forward market as they exchange cash flows associated with their multinational operations.
    • MNCs often contract to either pay or receive fixed amounts in foreign currencies at future dates, so they are exposed to foreign currency risk.
    • This is why they often hedge these future cash flows through the inter-bank forward exchange market.
  • Retailers:
    • The retail market designates transactions made by smaller speculators and investors.
    • Speculators are a class of traders that have no genuine requirement for foreign currency. They only buy and sell these currencies with the hope of making a profit from it.
    • The number of speculators increases a lot when the market sentiment is high and everyone seems to be making money in the Forex markets.
    • Speculators usually do not maintain open positions in any currency for a very long time. Their positions are transient and are only meant to make a short term profit.
    • These transactions are executed through forex brokers who act as a mediator between the retail market and the interbank market. Individual traders or investors trade forex on their own capital in order to profit from speculation on future exchange rates. They mainly operate through forex platforms that offer tight spreads, immediate execution and highly leveraged margin accounts.

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Forex Insight 13-FEB-2020


EURUSD keeps dropping down across the board after recent economic data highlights ongoing weakness in the block’s economy.

Euro now hitting noted support levels with little in the way of a recovery seen. The next ECB in March can now considered ‘live’ with market expectations starting to build that the central bank may well loosen monetary policy further, or at least give increased guidance, to help prime the block’s struggling economy. This creeping realization is continuing to be priced into the Euro.

EUR/USD has fallen by 100 pips this month – high to low – and broke through the October 1 support level at 1.0879.


USDJPY is the forex ticker that shows the value of the US Dollar against the Japanese Yen. It tells traders how many Yen are needed to buy a US Dollar.

The Dollar-Yen is one of the most traded forex pairs – second only to EUR/USD – and is a benchmark for Asian economic health and even the global economy. 

USDJPY is showing bullish trend at 109.707


GBP/USD is gaiing high towards the 1.30 level last seen on February 5 and, if it breaches that mark, will likely continue to advance towards that day’s 1.3070 high.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to reshuffle his senior ministers this session but the massacre previously forecast is now seen as unlikely.

The key cabinet ministers – the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Home Secretary and the Foreign Secretary – are all predicted to remain in place.

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What is Trend and Trend Lines in Forex?

We have often heard about trends in forex and stock market and resistance and support. Lets highlight what is Trend and Trendlines all about.

Types of Trends

There are three types of trends:

  1. Uptrend (higher lows)
  2. Downtrend (lower highs)
  3. Sideways trends (ranging)


An uptrend describes the price movement of a financial asset when the overall direction is upward. In an uptrend, each successive peak and trough is higher than the ones found earlier in the trend.


The downtrend is characterized similarly to an uptrend — but in the opposite direction. The peaks and troughs in the chart continue to drop as the trend goes on.


It takes at least two tops or bottoms to draw a valid trend line but it takes THREE to confirm a trend line.

The STEEPER the trend line you draw, the less reliable it is going to be and the more likely it will break.

In their most basic form, an uptrend line is drawn along the bottom of easily identifiable support areas (valleys).

In a downtrend line, the trend line is drawn along the top of easily identifiable resistance areas (peaks).

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Know More About Commodity Trading

Commodity trading is where stocks are represented as a publicly traded entity, and commodities are the raw, unprocessed materials of the global economy.

They include:

  • Energy (crude oil, heating oil, natural gas, coal, gasoline),
  • Metals (gold, platinum, palladium, silver, copper, nickel),
  • Livestock and Meat (lean hogs, pork bellies, live cattle and feeder cattle),
  • Agriculture (corn, soybeans, wheat, milk, rice, cocoa, coffee, cotton, sugar, frozen concentrated orange juice)

Difference between Future and Stock

Time Limit:

As their name suggests, Futures contracts are contracts for delivery of a commodity in the future. This is why commodity contracts always have a delivery month assigned to them.

If you were trading December Corn, then you are trading Corn which has a December delivery. While you would never actually take delivery of a contract, it is nevertheless important to stay aware of when the contract is due to expire. As the contract gets closer to expiration the market gets thinner as only the traders who actually need to take delivery of the commodity (ie. grain mills) remain.

In contrast you can own a stock for as long as the underlying company remains in existence. This is why “buy and hold” is such a popular strategy among stock traders. You can buy into a company and hold onto to the stock for as long as necessary to realize a profit.

“Buy and hold” would not work very well in the Futures markets unless you had VERY deep pockets. Given the extreme leverage that Futures offer, most traders are not able to sustain substantial draw downs against their positions. Again, because Futures trades are contracts with a buyer and a seller, if the market moves against you, you need to “pay” for that loss immediately.

Buyers and Seller:

The commodity markets are usually so liquid that it is never a problem to find someone to take the opposite side of your trade. In most cases the fills are nearly instantaneous. Contracts require a buyer and a seller. It doesn’t matter if you are entering into a contract for a house, a car, or 5000 bushels of Corn, every contract has a buyer and a seller. It is no different in Futures.

On the other hand, in the stock market you can only purchase as many stocks as are available for sale by a particular company. If ABC Company is not issuing any more stocks, and you can not find anyone willing to sell you their shares, you can not buy stock in ABC Company.

Owning Stocks and Contracting Futures:

The principle difference between stocks and Futures is that you “own” a stock and you “enter into a contract” in Futures. When you buy a stock you are literally buying a part of the company you are investing in. This is why stocks are referred to as “shares”, because you own a share of the company.

However, in Futures, instead of actually “buying” the underlying commodity, like corn or wheat or cotton, you are merely entering into a contract for that particular commodity. This means that you can contract to be a buyer or a seller of a commodity.

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What’s a good way to remember the difference between a bull and bear market?

Bear and bull market concept is really very important to understand in trading world.

Trading has a language of its own, and if you are starting out long or short, bullish and bearish are trading terms you will hear frequently. Bullish and Bearish are simply terms used to characterize trends in the currency, commodity or stock markets.

The terms bullish and bearish are often used to describe the conditions in the market or the sentiment of investors. They are very important terms and are used in nearly all types of trading, from currencies to stocks. Traders can take advantage of both bullish and bearish markets if they have sufficient knowledge of the market conditions that are associated with these cycles. When traders understand the meaning of bearish and bullish and are able to identify the cycles, they will know how to profit off of any market condition.

What is the difference between Bullish and Bearish Market?

Bearish and Bullish are simply terms used to characterize trends in the currency, commodity or stock markets. If prices tend to be moving upward, it is a bull market. If prices are moving downward, it is a bear market. Of course, this doesn’t have to refer to the market overall.


A bull market is a financial market of a group of securities in which prices are rising or are expected to rise. The term “bull market” is most often used to refer to the stock market/Forex Market can be applied to anything that is traded, such as bonds, currencies and commodities.

Point To Remember about Bull Market:

Bull markets are characterized by optimism, investor confidence and expectations that strong results should continue, usually for months or years.

  • Bull markets generally take place when the economy is strengthening or when it is already strong.
  • It happens in line with strong gross domestic product (GDP), and a drop in unemployment and will often coincide with a rise in corporate profits.
  • The overall demand for stocks will be positive, along with the overall tone of the market. In addition, there will be a general increase in the amount of IPO activity during bull markets.
  • Investors who want to benefit from a bull market should buy early in order to take advantage of rising prices and sell them when they’ve reached their peak.
  • Although it is hard to determine when the bottom and peak will take place, most losses will be minimal and are usually temporary.
  • In times of a bull market, security prices, once again, in certain sectors or as a whole, are increasing and/or expecting to increase and also show signs of increasing at a more rapid rate than the historic average. If a market or the market is bullish, investors gain confidence that the prices of securities will continue to rise over an extended period of time and will invest. Bull markets often occur at times of economic recovery or economic boom and the psychology of investors plays an intricate role in the market. In order for a market or the market to be classified as a true bull market, technical analysts need to state that there is a rise in the value of the market of at least 20 percent.


A bear market is a condition in which securities prices fall and widespread pessimism causes the stock market’s downward spiral to be self-sustaining. Investors anticipate losses as pessimism and selling increases.

The term “bear market” is the opposite of a “bull market,” or a market in which prices for securities are rising or will expect to rise. It is named for the way in which a bear attacks its prey — swiping its paws downward. This is why markets with falling stock prices are called bear markets. Just like the bear market, the bull market is named after the way in which the bull attacks by thrusting its horns up into the air.

Point To Remember about Bear Market:

The causes of a bear market often vary, but in general, a weak or slowing or sluggish economy will bring with it a bear market. The signs of a weak or slowing economy are typically low employment, low disposable income and a drop in business profits.

  • In times of a bear market, security prices are decreasing and/or expecting to decrease and also show signs of decreasing at a more rapid rate than the historic average.
  • In order for a market to be considered bare, opposite of a bull market, prices fall by 20 percent or more.
  • During times of decline, investor psychology turns to fear and pessimism and traders lose confidence in the market.
  • Bear markets slow the market down entirely by becoming the driving force behind unemployment and inflation.

One of the key benefits of forex trading is the opportunity it offers traders in both bull and bear markets. This is because forex trading is always done in pairs, when one currency is weakening the other is strengthening thereby allowing you to take advantage of rising and falling markets. Bull and bear markets are important to pay attention to as they can determine currency market trends. By being aware of market trends, can help you to make the best decisions of how to manage risk and gain a better understanding of when it is best to enter and exit your trades.

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